
We have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. Let’s not forget our coworkers, not only make each day a little more productive, but also a little bit more enjoyable. Let’s not forget our local leaders and administrators who do everything they can to represent us well and keep track of everything it takes to run a local union. Let’s not forget our instructors at the JATC who keep our skills sharp, or the organizers who spend their days hearing, “No” a lot more than they hear, “Yes.”

Most importantly, let’s not forget our families who are always there to support us. There’s nothing like coming home to see our family and realizing you put in a hard day’s work. None of us can do it alone, and because of that, we have a lot to be thankful for.

May your turkey be hot, your beer be cold, and, most importantly, may your football team win. Happy Thanksgiving!


Kenny Cooper

IBEW International President Kenny Cooper has been working with the IBEW Hour Power team since he was appointed International President in 2023. President Cooper creates short videos entitled “President’s Message” to bring important announcements and inspirational messages right to your computer screen.

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