Today, we have another simple tip on IBEW Hour Power. Today, we present a couple of different solutions to the battery problem, and hopefully they help you while you are doing your job in the field. This common sense tip might seem easy or obvious, but you’d be surprised that a little bit of planning on a union construction site could go a long way! Check out this newest in our series of job tips – let us know what you think and if you have a tip of your own, send it in to us.
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The IBEW Hour Power Job Tips are time saving tips and tricks for the job-site. Tune into our Job Tips channel for more tips like this one.
Transcript – Job Tip: Label your Batteries
Hi, I’m Robert Waschneck, Local Union 124 in Kansas City. A common problem you might run into on the job site is keeping track of all the different batteries, of which ones are charged and which are depleted.
So, a simple solution to that might be to come up with a simple numbering system, some sticky tags you can put numbers on or use the phase tape you have available on the job site and do a different color code on the different batteries. Now that might help you keep track of what’s been charged or depleted.
A secondary solution might be if you have a bad cell with a bad charge or bad battery, now you’ve got a number and you know to take that one out of service. I hope this tip helps you on your job site save you some time and aggravation.