Take a look at Klein Tools new Adjustable Length Screwdriver ranging from 4-8 inches with both a Philips and flat tip, this screwdriver will be the...
Category - Job Tips
Job Tips has the best tips and tricks from IBEW members in the field.
Austin Reppard, a 4th Year Apprentice from Local 969 is going to show you a job tip on how to drill a hole while minimizing your mess. Learn why...
When installing a spring nut to a perforated strut, spring nuts often have a tendency to pop back through the perforation. Jebediah Novak of the...
Klein Tools is back to tell us all about their latest and greatest. Save time and energy on the job with the Klein Tools Drill and Tap Set. Ranging...
Check out the new L.H. Dottie Company Tip-Bit, three fluted design. This particular model allows for easy replacement of the tip, faster cutting and...
The new Adjustable Length Screwdriver from Klein Tools allows you to work in situations where you need different screwdriver lengths to accomplish a...
Buckingham Manufacturing has come out with a new handline hook, the gated rated handline hook. Watch this episode of Watts New to learn about product...
In this job tip, we will show you a better way to pull a cable or wire through a cable tray using a tag line. Job Tips are sponsored by Klein Tools...
Klein Tools would like to introduce you to their latest Non-Contact Voltage Tester, the NCVT-3. Watch this edition of Watts New to see this...
Ever find yourself in need of a bigger sized knockout on an existing knockout but find yourself without a knockout punch? Jebediah Novak from Local...