The 2018 Journeyman Mentor of the Year is Brady Hansen, from IBEW 77. Congratulations!
Brady’s perseverance comes from deep inside because he a strong belief in the righteousness of what he wants to accomplish. He has passion for being a lineman, for the industry, and a drive to make his mark on the world.
When Brady’s close friend was killed on the job, he began to pour his energy and emotion into helping other countries abroad. It was the start of his dream, and he has a motivation in his heart that gives him a purpose.
With Electrical Workers Without Borders, Brady receives donations and is able to transmit them to someone else. Brady said, “it makes me feel like brotherhood isn’t just a fancy term we see on a sticker or on a t-shirt, but it is a process of caring for others.”
Brady is able to see big picture and what’s going on in the rest of the world. Where there’s a need, he’s able to fill it. Everything he does, his passion, teaching, and helping others is completely unselfish. Brady is always willing to listen to other people’s point of view and remain open-minded.
Brady said, “I really love connecting with people in my industry, across the country and world. My perfect future looks like a time when we can go to bed a night knowing there’s not a vast chasm of safety between workers in the developed world and workers in the places that are trying to develop.”