
Congratulations, Tricia New, our 2014 IBEW Instructor of the Year. New is a member of Local 3 in New York and has been since 2002. From the very beginning, even as an apprentice, she knew that she wanted to be an IBEW instructor. New was inspired by her instructors from the first moment she sat in the classroom.

You would be hard pressed to find someone more passionate about the subject that they teach! Thank you, Tricia New, for your hard work inside and outside the classroom. You have truly made a difference in the lives of future IBEW electricians.

Congratulations, Tricia New!

To download this video, click here.




Kenny Cooper

IBEW International President Kenny Cooper has been working with the IBEW Hour Power team since he was appointed International President in 2023. President Cooper creates short videos entitled “President’s Message” to bring important announcements and inspirational messages right to your computer screen.

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