
IBEW Hour Power Apprentice of the Year – 2015

Harry Hutchison might not strike you as a traditional apprentice, and he will be the first one to tell you that going back to school after years of switching careers (even within the IBEW) wasn’t easy. But once you watch Brother Hutchison on the job, interacting with his peers, in the classroom, and in the community, it is obvious to see that Harry Hutchison goes above and beyond his expectations as a 5th Year Apprentice in the IBEW Local 252 Commercial Wireman Apprenticeship Program.

Harry Hutchison is the founding member of his schools charity, Union 4 Life, raising over $30,000 for breast cancer research at the University of Michigan Research Center. Brother Hutchison schedules fundraising events and brings his IBEW brothers and sisters together through the spirit of giving.

And though he says he doesn’t take “Thank You’s” well, on behalf of his brothers and sisters at IBEW Local 252, the Apprenticeship Program, and the IBEW as a whole, thank you Brother Harry Hutchison for giving your time, talents, and for truly raising the bar!

Congratulations on winning the 2015 IBEW Hour Power Apprentice of the Year award!


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Rhiannon Manzi

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