A lineman’s job is a very dangerous one. They must work during all temperatures, hot and cold, late at night or early in the morning, and in disasters because the power has to be on. They leave their families in the harshest of times, but Terry Riffe, the co-founder of the National Sisterhood United for Journeymen Linemen said, “You accept it, you do what you can, be strong for your family.” As a lineman’s wife you wait until the danger is over, and then get ready for the next one. Families of linemen are faced with this dangerous reality everyday. When a lineman is injured it’s a hard situation for everyone.
The NSUJL is a non-profit organization that supports IBEW Journeymen Linemen and their families in work related accidents that lead to injury or death. The NSUJL is there for families physically or emotionally when they are in times of need. They have the ability to make sure families don’t have to worry about anything.
Every year the NSUJL hold’s a linemen’s rodeo. Locals from all over the country gather to support the fallen. When brothers come together, it becomes a family reunion. Every year they hold a climb for lost linemen where lanterns are hung representing a lost brother. This tradition is very sacred because it’s very personal. It’s their families. It’s their friends.
If your IBEW line-family is in need, please visit NSUJL.org.