Although it is more and more common to see women working alongside their IBEW brothers on construction sites. Women still make up only a fraction of our workforce.
The Amber Light Society out of IBEW Local 3 in New York, New York is a women’s organization that has a proud tradition of supporting women in the trade.
Anette Diaz Rivera, IBEW Local 3, Business Representative says “We see leaders, we see that he Local can actually grow from these women. These are girls that we have been pushing along, and that have been in the Amber Light for years. And now are learning “I can do this, and I want to do this”.
With that leadership mentality permeating throughout the organization the rising tide resume project was born. An effort to help the sisters of Local 3 create professional resumes aimed at leadership positions within the industry.
As you promote women in the trades into supervision you get an energized membership, you get the benefit of their experience and their ideas. This should go across the IBEW kind of as a viral idea.