
In order to keep a competitive edge in the industry and live up to the Code of Excellence, the IBEW needs to maintain their emphasis on excellent training. The newly built NorCal Sound & Communications JATC does just that.

Included in the facility:

  • interactive touch screens
  • data centers with interactive kiosks
  • computer labs
  • fire alarm training
  • emergency communications systems and paging training
  • security, intrusion, and access control training
  • close circuit TV and CA TV training
  • structure cable training
  • audiovisual lab
  • wire pulling lab

This is truly a training center that goes above and beyond.

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Transcript: Nor Cal S&C JATC: the Training Center of the FutureMatthew Walton

Welcome to another edition of IBEW Hour Power, I’m Matthew Walton. The Silicon Valley area of California is known around the world as the center of digital technology and advancement. Companies like Apple, Samsung, Adobe, and Google are either based in or have major facilities in the area. All of those companies rely on voice, digital, and video cabling to keep all of their systems working. So it is not a mystery why 11 IBEW Locals teamed up to build a state of the art VDV Training Center right in the heart of this digital backdrop.

Gerald Pfeiffer – Trustee, Nor Cal S&C JATC “We needed a training Gerald Pfeifferfacility we were working out of trailers and we needed a spot and a high tech facility it was previously an inside training center and we converted it to the high tech center we have now.”

And convert it they did. Besides having dedicated lecture rooms, this new center has a large number of dedicated labs to help apprentices hit the job running…

Ken Miller – Training Director, Nor Cal S&C JATC “When it was finally done and we walked in here and we cut the ribbon, it was almost like a dream. It was a 7 yearlong project and to have finally be real was kind of unreal. Kind of like you wanted to pinch yourself. ‘Am I Dreaming?’”Ken Miller

On the first floor, interactive touch screen, student break area, classrooms, data center with interactive kiosk, and a computer lab. And that’s just the first floor.

On the second floor you will find a room for fire alarm training, emergency communication systems and paging. Another room has security hands on lab for access control training, intrusion, and close circuit TV and CA TV training. Another room has structure cabling training including copper and fiber. And another room, the audiovisual lab where the apprentices can learn video projection. There is also a new wire pulling lab, a place that will truly advance the IBEW advantage.

Terry MonroeWith great labs and classrooms, the benefits of this facility are not limited to teaching apprentices, but installer techs as well.

Terry Monroe – Assistant Training Director, Nor Cal S&C JATC “I think that not only does it have great potential for apprentice but for our installer techs. Now that they see the benefits of what the apprentices are doing and when they turnout and become installer technicians that are really sharp, they might think that maybe we need to go down and see what this training consists of.”

Ron Bennet – Business Manager, Local 302 “The training center has come out far beyond my expectations, it’s truly Ron Bennetamazing to see what it started from to what it is now.”

Matt Weidner – 3rd Year Apprentice, Local 595 “It’s night and day, the old facility in Oakland didn’t really feel like home or a classroom. The new facility you can really get involved and indulge yourself in what they are trying to give us and teach us.”

Michelle Martinez – 2nd Year Apprentice, Local 332 “I’m looking forward to the new classrooms, better set ups to get hands on, the teacher says there is displays and a projector on the board. Michelle MartinezI’m very much looking into everything to spice things up in school.”

To have great training and great facilities is nice, but what does this training mean to our contractors and end users?

Gary Slater – Superintendent, CH Reynolds Electric “Right now the economy is doing really well and we are really busy. What we have seen is apprentices that have been coming out, starting the program and are doing really well. We are really happy about that.”

Richard Yeadon – Partner, Redwood Electric “I would like to think that this would lead into the next job.  We’ve Richard Yeadonshown that we can meet their deadlines and given them the quality that they want and satisfied all their needs.”

Gerald Pfeiffer – Trustee, NorCal S&C JATC and Business Manager, 332“That’s what separates us from the rest. Anyone can pull the cable and get it done but when you have to meet deadlines and you have to be high tech you have to have the training. That’s what we provide here is the training for the sound technicians and the apprentices both so we can keep up to date and keep ahead of the non union.”


For IBEW Hour Power, I’m Matthew Walton.


Kenny Cooper

IBEW International President Kenny Cooper has been working with the IBEW Hour Power team since he was appointed International President in 2023. President Cooper creates short videos entitled “President’s Message” to bring important announcements and inspirational messages right to your computer screen.

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