The 2018 IBEW East Coast Ride was a time for catching up with old friends and creating stories with new ones, as IBEW members migrated to Morgantown, West Virginia.
Rich Kremsner from IBEW Local 134, “For us, it’s camaraderie and brotherhood. Brotherhood like you don’t see everywhere. With us being involved in motorcycles, there’s a brotherhood, but we also have the brotherhood with the IBEW.”
Jim Gillespie from IBEW Local 5 said the ride is special because he comes together with his brothers and sisters for a shared common interest: riding motorcycles.
That camaraderie tradition was stronger than ever as IBEW locals from over 15 different states and Canada attended the ride.
Thomas Maloney from IBEW Local 96 said, “You know when you see that patch on your brothers back that he’s in tune with your thoughts and your beliefs about organized labor. So when you ride you know that’s your brother.”
John Holler from IBEW Local 3 said, “You go on these back roads and you can lean back and just enjoy the roads. That’s why we’re out here having fun.”
This year’s ride brought awareness to multiple myeloma, with half of the rider’s registration fees donated to the foundation.
Rich Kremsner from IBEW Local 134 said, “All our runs are charity runs. That’s what we’re all about. That’s what organized labor is about.”
Whether an inside wireman, an outside lineman, or a key contributor within the IBEW, we all work on a united front. It’s events like these that remind us just how lucky we are to experience truly solidarity with our brothers and sisters.
John Holler from IBEW Local 3 said, “To us, it’s the Mecca. You get to make some life long friends out here. I have one that I miss, my buddy Oscar. He’s not here anymore. You meet these people that change you. We’re lucky to have what we have, to enjoy the solidarity. This is what brotherhood is, what union is, and there’s nothing better than that.”
Are you interested in going on the 2019 motorcycle ride? Stay tuned for next year!