Congratulations to DJ Siegman from IBEW Local 617, San Mateo, CA for being named the IBEW 2017 Instructor of the Year!

DJ is a phenomenal, hilarious, and awesome instructor with a really big heart. She’s an instructor people trust, who truly has a passion for teaching, and who can make learning fun.

DJ teaches the first year apprentices who have little to no experience. They are often individuals who thought they would never be a good student or be successful. But, she is able to show them they can be both successful, and a good student in the electrical industry. As the good instructor that she is…she says there is no better feeling than seeing her students apply what they have learned right in front of her eyes.

People close to DJ know she loves swimming, food, and cocktails. Her ability to make a great cocktail is a metaphor for her teaching – she practices in the classroom how to serve her educational materials, just like serving a drink.

As instructor, DJ makes her students feel cared for, which is a reason why she won this award. She would do anything for them; even give them the shirt off her back. Not only does she do a great job of getting young people enthusiastic and involved with the IBEW, but she has the ability to raise people up and help them. Her students can tell how much she cares in the way she teaches them.

Congratulations DJ Siegman – the 2017 Instructor of the Year!


Kenny Cooper

IBEW International President Kenny Cooper has been working with the IBEW Hour Power team since he was appointed International President in 2023. President Cooper creates short videos entitled “President’s Message” to bring important announcements and inspirational messages right to your computer screen.

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