Richard Saldana served in the Marine Corps and the Marine Corps became his identity. After his discharge he felt lost. For a few years he tried to figure what he was supposed to do and who he was supposed to be, but he didn’t feel the same without his brotherhood.
After finding the IBEW, he discovered another brotherhood, which allows him to create something for someone else. As it turns out, the IBEW isn’t so different from the Marine Corps – if you’ve got a problem, the IBEW will take care of you. That’s what the brotherhood is about.
The IBEW helped Richard get his life back together. He knew he had another set of brothers and sisters that would always have his back.
IBEW Local 428, as well as many other locals understand that veterans are the “ideal employees”. They come across a problem that doesn’t have the answer right in front of them and they are able to analyze, overcome, and fix it.
Richard believes the IBEW has provided him with everything he’ll ever need. He said, “It’s just like anything: you get what you put in. You put in a little bit; you get a little bit out. You put in your heart; you get someone’s heart back.”